Elder Law

Elder Law

Expert advice

There are legal issues in respect of entering retirement and personal and lifestyle decisions which are unique to the aging and elderly, and thus require a law firm with expertise and experience in this area of law. Our Wills & Estates Team can provide you with friendly, clear and personalised advice that is tailored specifically to your situation. We can provide you and your family with the assistance you need to be able to make informed decisions that relate directly to your particular needs.

Our team can assist you in the following areas of Elder law:

  • Retirement Village Entry (Residential Aged Care Facilities Entry, Legal Advice & Contracts)

  • Estate Planning & Asset Protection (Protect Your Assets)

  • The preparation of Wills, Enduring Guardian & Enduring Power of Attorney documents

  • Superannuation Entitlement Claims

  • Financial Abuse of the Elderly

  • Probate & Administration of Estates

  • Estate Disputes

  • Advance Medical Directives

  • Guardianship Tribunal Matters

  • Family Law (Grandparents Access to Kids)